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M-AudioM-AUDIO OXYGEN PRO 49 USB MIDI Keyboard Controller
The Oxygen Pro 49 is a powerful, 49-key USB powered MIDI controller that allows you to create the music you want to make even easier! The new Oxygen Pro controllers open up worlds of expression and creativity and make bringing your production ideas to life more seamless than ever. Taking feedback from users and artists alike, these controllers are the ultimate studio and live performance tools, allowing you to keep your focus on creating music—not programming your software. It doesn’t matter if you want to create music on the go or in the studio, the M-Audio Oxygen Pro series is perfectly flexible for your workflow. It’s simple to use the Oxygen Pro 49 controller with any DAW with the Oxygen Pro 49’s automatically mapped controls such as Transport, Faders, Channel controls (Record Arm, Solo, Mute, and Select), Pan controls and more. Whether you use Ableton, Pro Tools, MPC Beats, Cubase, Logic, Studio One or any other major DAW, just select your DAW in the Oxygen Pro 49 and select the correct configuration in your DAW, and the Oxygen Pro 49’s controls will be completely integrated into your DAW! With Samrt Chord and Smart Scale technology, creating music and transferring what’s in your imagination to what you hear coming out of your computer has never been easier! With Smart Chord activated, pressing a single key or pad will play a full chord rather than just one note. The key or pad you press will determine the root note in the chord. The rest of the chord’s properties (Major, Minor, and Voicing – 1,3,5; 1,3,7; 1,3,5,7, etc.) are determined by the settings you choose. Smart Chord also has a Custom Mode which lets you to determine the chord structure that will be assigned to each key by manually playing it. For example, if you select Custom Mode, and play a 1-b3-5-b7 chord, every key will then be assigned to play this chord structure. The note of the key you press will serve as the root of the chord and all of the parameters can be edited right on the Oxygen Pro 49! 339RUB